Frequently Asked Questions

How much do classes cost?

Cost is on a case by case basis and dependent on class size, location, and number of classes booked. The first class is always free!

How long are the classes?

Class times are offered at 60 and 75 minute increments. Longer classes available upon request.

Do I have to sign up for the full 12-week series?

You can sign up for 4 weeks, 8 weeks, or 12 weeks, but 12 weeks is recommended to give youth the full experience of the curriculum. Longer class series’ available upon request.

I work with a large age range of kids, can they all take class together?

The motor skills and developmental needs of say, a 9 year old and a 17 year old are very different so it is not recommended that they take class together. However, teaching separate groups split up by age range is an option.

How do I book classes?

Email to set up a time for an initial conversation. We will discuss all of the details such as your group’s needs, ages, cost, number of classes, and schedule.